Monday, 5 August 2013

Heresy Era Death Guard: Rhino 2 Complete

Just a short post today - I managed to add the finishing touches to this guy last week. Painted in the same way as the first, with the exception of the green detailing, which takes the form of a chevron this time.

I have already begun to build the final squad of  Legionnaires and begun prepping the last Rhino as well. I am keen to see these units finished so I can move onto some Contemptors!! I really love the way this army is shaping up!

The GunGrave

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Heresy Era Death Guard Army List

I put this list together a little while ago. Its based mainly on the models I like! As I haven't played many games of 6th Ed', let alone a Legion Army List, its all the basis I have to go on right now!

In the Betrayal book it states that these lists are intended for use against other Legion Lists. I did however try to make a versatile list that would work in regular games of 40K. Didn't think there would be many Legion armies running around for me to play against!

Anyhooo, I would welcome any thoughts and comments regarding the list - I could use some pointers!



Legion Centurion – 95pts

·         Base - 50pts

·         Siege Breaker - 45pts

·         Nuncio Vox - free





Terminator Squad – 385pts

·         5 Terminators – 175pts

·         Heavy Flamer – 10pts

·         Land Raider Proteus Dedicated Transport – 200pts


Contemptor with 2 Assault Cannons – 205pts

·         Base 175pts

·         2 Assault Cannons – 30pts


Contemptor with Twin Linked Lascannon – 200pts

·         Base – 175pts

·         Twin Linked Lascannon – 25pts





Tactical Squad – 185pts

·         10 Legionnaires with Bolters – 150pts

·         Rhino Dedicated Transport – 35pts


Tactical Squad – 185pts

·         10 Legionnaires with Bolters – 150pts

·         Rhino Dedicated Transport – 35pts


Tactical Squad – 185pts

·         10 Legionnaires with Bolters – 150pts

·         Rhino Dedicated Transport – 35pts




Heavy Support


Legion Heavy Support Squad – 210pts

·         5 Legionaries – 135pts

·         5 Missile Launchers – 25pts

·         Flack Missiles – 50pts


Predator – 100pts

·         Basic - 75pts

·         Heavy Bolter Sponsons – 25pts



The GunGrave

JSA - Yojimbo!!

He has a name you just have to shout every time you activate him! The mad motorcycle monster himself, Yojimbo! The JSA have very limited...