WOW, i must have phoned a wrong number, because i placed my forgeworld order on the monday and had it tuesday! Which means my bad ass duo of Vulture Gunships with Punisher Cannnons are made and nearly ready for painting!
The Vulture on the left was a dream to put together, with nerly no prblems at all. The one on the right was the opposite, and still requires a lot of green stuff to put it right. Nothing would fit together properly, and its a small miricle its still together now! Never mind, it'll be worth it in the end!
I'll make a start on the painting on sunday (got mates visiting this weekend) so watch this space! Its gonna be AWSOME!
Thursday, 28 October 2010
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Elysian Army List
Just a quickie. It occured to me the other day that i havent even shared a list with the world at large! This is probably my third list, but im definately happy with it! Thoughts are most welcome! (but i wont change the list 'cos i've already bought all the models! doh!)
Elysian Drop Troop Army List 1750pts
Company Command Squad – 75pts
• Company Commander (modelled with Power Fist but not in use)
• Veteran with Plasma Gun – 15pts
• Veteran with Vox – 5pts
Long Range Ground Scanner – 50pts
Sentinel Squadron – 85pts
• Sentinel with Heavy Bolter– 35pts
• Sentinel with Multi Melta – 50pts
Sentinel Squadron – 85pts
• Sentinel with Heavy Bolter– 35pts
• Sentinel with Multi Melta – 50pts
Veteran Squad – 165pts
• Sergeant with Las Pistol and Close Combat Weapon
• Veteran with Vox – 5pts
• 2 Veterans with Plasma Guns – 30pts
• 1 Veteran with Heavy Flamer – 20pts
• 6 Veterans
• Carapace Armour – 30pts
• Vendetta Gunship (see Fast Attack Section)
Veteran Squad – 165pts
• Sergeant with Las Pistol and Close Combat Weapon
• Veteran with Vox – 5pts
• 2 Veterans with Plasma Guns – 30pts
• 1 Veteran with Heavy Flamer – 20pts
• 6 Veterans
• Carapace Armour – 30pts
• Vendetta Gunship (see Fast Attack Section)
Veteran Squad – 280pts
• Sergeant with Las Pistol and Close Combat Weapon
• Veteran with Vox – 5pts
• 2 Veterans with Melta Guns – 20pts
• 1 Veteran with Plasma Gun – 15pts
• 6 Veterans
• Demolitions – 30pts
• Valkerie with multiple Rocket Pods – 130pts
Veteran Squad – 275pts
• Sergeant with Las Pistol and Close Combat Weapon
• Veteran with Vox – 5pts
• 3 Veterans with Melta Guns – 30pts
• 6 Veterans
• Carapace Armour – 30pts
• Valkerie with multiple Rocket Pods – 130pts
Fast Attack
Vendetta Gunship – 130pts
Vendetta Gunship – 130pts
Heavy Support
Vulture Gunship – 155pts
• Twin Linked Punisher Cannons -50pts
Vulture Gunship – 155pts
• Twin Linked Punisher Cannons -50pts
Elysian Drop Troop Army List 1750pts
Company Command Squad – 75pts
• Company Commander (modelled with Power Fist but not in use)
• Veteran with Plasma Gun – 15pts
• Veteran with Vox – 5pts
Long Range Ground Scanner – 50pts
Sentinel Squadron – 85pts
• Sentinel with Heavy Bolter– 35pts
• Sentinel with Multi Melta – 50pts
Sentinel Squadron – 85pts
• Sentinel with Heavy Bolter– 35pts
• Sentinel with Multi Melta – 50pts
Veteran Squad – 165pts
• Sergeant with Las Pistol and Close Combat Weapon
• Veteran with Vox – 5pts
• 2 Veterans with Plasma Guns – 30pts
• 1 Veteran with Heavy Flamer – 20pts
• 6 Veterans
• Carapace Armour – 30pts
• Vendetta Gunship (see Fast Attack Section)
Veteran Squad – 165pts
• Sergeant with Las Pistol and Close Combat Weapon
• Veteran with Vox – 5pts
• 2 Veterans with Plasma Guns – 30pts
• 1 Veteran with Heavy Flamer – 20pts
• 6 Veterans
• Carapace Armour – 30pts
• Vendetta Gunship (see Fast Attack Section)
Veteran Squad – 280pts
• Sergeant with Las Pistol and Close Combat Weapon
• Veteran with Vox – 5pts
• 2 Veterans with Melta Guns – 20pts
• 1 Veteran with Plasma Gun – 15pts
• 6 Veterans
• Demolitions – 30pts
• Valkerie with multiple Rocket Pods – 130pts
Veteran Squad – 275pts
• Sergeant with Las Pistol and Close Combat Weapon
• Veteran with Vox – 5pts
• 3 Veterans with Melta Guns – 30pts
• 6 Veterans
• Carapace Armour – 30pts
• Valkerie with multiple Rocket Pods – 130pts
Fast Attack
Vendetta Gunship – 130pts
Vendetta Gunship – 130pts
Heavy Support
Vulture Gunship – 155pts
• Twin Linked Punisher Cannons -50pts
Vulture Gunship – 155pts
• Twin Linked Punisher Cannons -50pts
Saturday, 23 October 2010
Why Dont You Come On Over, VALKYRIE!
All joking aside, Valkyrie No' 3 is complete! I have been able to maintain a consistent look with all of the Valkyries, so it fits in nicely. Only one more to go!
I'm also pleased with the base, but now its painted, i don't like it so much! Not sure what it is; it might be because its a bit brighter than the others. Maybe i should have toned it down a bit. Maybe I'm being paranoid! WHO SAID THAT!
Ahem, moving on. I did a group shot to and they look awesome if i do say so myself! The Elysians are going to be an impressive sight on the tabletop. Hopefully in a few more weeks I'll get to see it! (cue flight of the Valkyrie music!)
Valkerie No' 3
During the Reaver titan repairs i have been sneakily working on the third of the Valkyries, which is now nearly complete! All i need to do is paint the cockpit.
I have also made an effort with the flying base as well, and i think that this is my favorite one yet! What we have here is a destroyed heavy stubber emplacement, which was maned by traitor guardsmen.
I have some shell casings that ill add once the base has sand on it. Reason being that i may loose the shell casings under the sand because they're so small! With any luck the whole lot will be finished today! Come Monday a new forgeworld order will be placed for two Vulture Gunships with Punisher Cannons along with the new Elysian transfer sheet! Good times are-a-commin!
'Prepare to Drop' has moved to 'A Guardsmans Guide to Glory'
Its been a bit of a pain lately maintaining two blogs, so i have imported my Elysian blog onto A Guardsman's Guide to Glory to make life easier! All Elysian posts have been tagged and are now listed in chronological order on this blog.
Friday, 15 October 2010
Praetorian Walks Again!
Well I rushed out and quizzed the local DIY store on the best way to glue a Reaver Titan back together at around 0800, and have been working on repairs since!
The guy in the store recommended Araldite, a two part contact adhesive. It reeks to place out, but it gets the job done! To well in fact, when i realise I'd glued the hips back to front!! There is a larger armour plate that's meant to be at the front, which i found on the floor after I'd finished sticking the thing back together! I may be able to prise off the smaller plate and swap them around, but I'm all Reaver'd out for today!
Now the matter of re-painting; well, I've opted out of a full repaint because i simply cant be arsed! Now, as the blue and the gold are both custom colours which i can no longer replicate, I'm going to have a job finding something to match. I did play around with a few combos today, and i think i have the right colours for the job. Luckily its just chipping i have to deal with and not full blown repainting, so hopefully any inconsistencies wont be to noticable. I'll get started on that tomorrow.
The guy in the store recommended Araldite, a two part contact adhesive. It reeks to place out, but it gets the job done! To well in fact, when i realise I'd glued the hips back to front!! There is a larger armour plate that's meant to be at the front, which i found on the floor after I'd finished sticking the thing back together! I may be able to prise off the smaller plate and swap them around, but I'm all Reaver'd out for today!
Now the matter of re-painting; well, I've opted out of a full repaint because i simply cant be arsed! Now, as the blue and the gold are both custom colours which i can no longer replicate, I'm going to have a job finding something to match. I did play around with a few combos today, and i think i have the right colours for the job. Luckily its just chipping i have to deal with and not full blown repainting, so hopefully any inconsistencies wont be to noticable. I'll get started on that tomorrow.
Thursday, 14 October 2010
OhMyGod, OhMyGod, OhMyGod!!
It appears that agents of the Ruinous Powers have infiltrated my Forge and enacted the most foulest of deeds! They have disabled the most powerful war machine in West Wales, my beloved Reaver Titan, Praetorian!!
However, the only way the titan could be accessed is if the cat went through a platoon of unpainted Vostroyans, a trio of Space Marine Rhinos, and a Red Scorpions Chapter Master!! As none of these models were knocked over, or bore any signs of battle, I can only surmise that the titan collapsed under its own weight. I had meant to re-pin the hips as they were a little loose, i only wish now i had done it sooner. The Tech Adepts responsible are being executed as we speak.
So now work will begin on its repair. Unfortunately the colours on the armour panels were specially mixed, colours that can never be exactly replicated again, and they suffered heavy damage. I may take the opportunity to repaint the titan, and mount it on a suitable base! Well, once my tears dry.....(sob)
At first i blamed the cat, as i had left the door to my study open.....
So now work will begin on its repair. Unfortunately the colours on the armour panels were specially mixed, colours that can never be exactly replicated again, and they suffered heavy damage. I may take the opportunity to repaint the titan, and mount it on a suitable base! Well, once my tears dry.....(sob)
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Buildings, Buildings Everywhere!
After the success of the first building, i quickly cracked on with the other two. They turned out just as well!
I think that this one is my favorite. I used Bastion Escape Hatches for the doors on this one. As they are more reinforced than the other doors, i pictured this as some kind of quarantine, or even accommodation for some Astropaths! I did toy with adding the Comms Array from the Bastion kit to this building to make it an Astropaths gaff, but all those antennae would make storage a bit difficult.
Group shot. Looks great! The good thing about using the guttering is that i could make even bigger buildings by clipping the pieces together.
And finally a random Bastion that i had lying around. Thought I'd get it done while i was in terrain mode!
So now im outta models to paint, and now outta terrain! Think i'll go and pick up some more 'Nids at the weekend and crack on with that list!
Trying my Hand at Terrain
Due to the sudden and unexpected death of one of my cats, posts have been a little slim on the ground. However, i have accumulated a lot of material to blog about!
While funds build up for another Forgeworld order, i have been trying my hand at terrain. Although i rarely play 40K at home, my gaming club could benefit greatly from this little side project (for a modest fee of course...!)
I attended a 40K tournament in Bristol in May, and i was very impressed with their terrain and game boards. Upon closer inspection of the pieces i saw that most of them were just simple household products and not expensive scenery sets. One commonly used piece was Guttering!
I nipped out and grabbed a couple of pieces of guttering and gave it a go. Simply turn the guttering upside down and stick it to a piece of fibreboard. Block off the ends with some plasticard and then decorate with spare parts! Hey-presto, one building. This example could be part of an outpost or frontier settlement.
Once painted it looks great. I primarilly used an airbrush for this, and took me no more than an hour to do. A little oil paint and white sprit for the weathering gives it that finishing touch!
While funds build up for another Forgeworld order, i have been trying my hand at terrain. Although i rarely play 40K at home, my gaming club could benefit greatly from this little side project (for a modest fee of course...!)
I attended a 40K tournament in Bristol in May, and i was very impressed with their terrain and game boards. Upon closer inspection of the pieces i saw that most of them were just simple household products and not expensive scenery sets. One commonly used piece was Guttering!
I nipped out and grabbed a couple of pieces of guttering and gave it a go. Simply turn the guttering upside down and stick it to a piece of fibreboard. Block off the ends with some plasticard and then decorate with spare parts! Hey-presto, one building. This example could be part of an outpost or frontier settlement.
Once painted it looks great. I primarilly used an airbrush for this, and took me no more than an hour to do. A little oil paint and white sprit for the weathering gives it that finishing touch!
I have 2 more of these types of building mid-constuction along with an Imperial Bastion. More on them soon!
Oh, and i also finished that other Broodlord as well! Here it is!
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Long Range Scanner Complete
Well, the title says it all really!
The Scanner itself is a bit basic, but i think I'll spoil it if i tried to jazz it up anymore. The only addition was a data cable running from the scanner into the Guardsman's Vox unit.
Next its vehicles, but I'll have to wait until the end of the month before i have enough funds for a big Forgeworld order!
The Scanner itself is a bit basic, but i think I'll spoil it if i tried to jazz it up anymore. The only addition was a data cable running from the scanner into the Guardsman's Vox unit.
Next its vehicles, but I'll have to wait until the end of the month before i have enough funds for a big Forgeworld order!
Oh No, the Genestealers are Back!
Well my funds are a bit low at the moment, so Forgeworld purchases are on hold at the mo. Besides, they are slower than usual at the mo while they recover from Games Day! The Lascanon Squad and Medusa will have to wait for now.
In the meantime i decided to press on with my 'Nids. I went and got myself some Genestealers and another Broodlord. The 'Stealers were quickly finished and work on the Broodlord will get going when the Milliput on the base dries. This unit will comprise of 8'Stealers and the Broodlord, and another of 9 'Stealers and a Broodlord (which are already complete)
Next week I'll get another Trygon in, and move on to the Elite choices in the army. Should keep me busy until my next pay day!
In the meantime i decided to press on with my 'Nids. I went and got myself some Genestealers and another Broodlord. The 'Stealers were quickly finished and work on the Broodlord will get going when the Milliput on the base dries. This unit will comprise of 8'Stealers and the Broodlord, and another of 9 'Stealers and a Broodlord (which are already complete)
Next week I'll get another Trygon in, and move on to the Elite choices in the army. Should keep me busy until my next pay day!
Monday, 4 October 2010
Playing with Photo Backgrounds
I saw a great post over at FTW today on taking photos of minis, and there was a load of great advice on there! Quite a lot of technical photo jargon, but if your into that sort of thing, you might be able to understand what they're all on about!
Anyways, i was more interested in the photo backgrounds that were available in this post. I checked them out and found a few that could use. I've been aware of these kind of backgrounds for ages, but it never struck me as a 'must have' item, so i never got around to giving it a go. Well, today i did and I'm quite impressed with the way the pictures are displayed.
This is an alternative backdrop dubbed 'cloud'. I downloaded several different colour variants of this backdrop, and the blue one is in use here. I think that this backdrop makes the mini much more striking, perfect for a fearsome army like Tyranids!
Unfortunately my printer cartridges are on their last legs, and the quality of the print outs were quite bad! One i get them renewed I'll give this another go. All in all though i do like the effect and i think that I'll be using much more of this in the future!
For more info and downloads, check out FTW's website and today's post!
Anyways, i was more interested in the photo backgrounds that were available in this post. I checked them out and found a few that could use. I've been aware of these kind of backgrounds for ages, but it never struck me as a 'must have' item, so i never got around to giving it a go. Well, today i did and I'm quite impressed with the way the pictures are displayed.
This is the standard white/blue backdrop seen in White Dwarf all the time. It gives the mini that display cabinet look! The pic of this ones not to great though.
Unfortunately my printer cartridges are on their last legs, and the quality of the print outs were quite bad! One i get them renewed I'll give this another go. All in all though i do like the effect and i think that I'll be using much more of this in the future!
For more info and downloads, check out FTW's website and today's post!
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