So as promised, here is a bit about the quality tournament i attended way back in September.
This was my first Infinity tournament, so i was a little apprehensive to say the least! I hadn't been playing Infinity for very long, and there were a pile of rules to remember! But my buddies Dave and Luke were adamant that the best way to learn the rules is to play in a tournament! So in i dived!
The tournament was to be held in Cheltenham by Incom Gaming. This wasn't a club i'd been to before, but i had heard of them. This was also their first Infinity tournament, so i wasn't quite sure what to expect. As it turned out, they did a spot on job! It was well organised with some pretty decent terrain to play on!
Sadly i was a bit engrossed so didn't manage to take many pictures. I did snap the tables before we started:
This was the table i played on for my second game, and i actually remembered to take some pictures!
My blonde bombshell holding the right flank. She was devastating!
most of my force charged up the middle on turn one to secure the narrow doorway splitting the board.
My other favorite MVP, Agema with missile Launcher, who held the left flank with a nice straight fire lane to practice hurling missiles down!
When it was all said and done i came out with a Win, a Loss and a Draw! Not bad for my first tourney!
I also entered the painting competition, which i was crowned winner! There wasn't a great deal of entries, but it was still nice to win! That's me with a paintbrush in my mouth, second from left on the bottom row, and my mate Luke who came overall second in the top right. My other mate Dave who was also there had a bit of a shocker i'm afraid...
Overall a great tourney, and i'd definitely go again! Will be keeping an eye out for the next one!
The GunGrave
Friday, 30 December 2016
Monday, 26 December 2016
Infinity - Aleph Atlanta
Firstly i hope you all had a nice Christmas! It's really not my bag, but for those of you who do celebrate, Happy Christmas! Now to business...
Ah the lovely Atlanta! I've had my eye on her for a while! Lovely model, even more lovely rules! BS 17 with her TinBot spotter, packing a Multi Sniper and an MSV Lv2! Just like her missile launching comrade, she will happily hold a flank all on her own. She was definately my MVP in the Tournament i went to in Cheltenham in September - more on that next post!
The GunGrave
Wednesday, 21 December 2016
Infinity - Asura with Spitfire
Asura's are great models and even better in game! I've had a lot of fun with my other Asura, so it was time to grab another but this time packing a little more heat with a Spitfire!
I really enjoyed painting this model, and i really live the sculpt! She really reminds me of Major Kusanagi off Ghost in the Shell fame! Problem with this mini is that it costs a fortune in points...worth it though!
The GunGrave
Friday, 16 December 2016
Infinity - Aleph Agema with Missile Launcher
Another good performer for my Aleph force, the Agema with missile launcher.
The Launcher combined with MSV lv2 is a great combo, and when placed in cover, will make your enemy think twice about advancing up that flank! At least until they shift him!
Although i like the model itself, the pose does make it look like he has a hell of a belly underneath that amour!
The GunGrave
The Launcher combined with MSV lv2 is a great combo, and when placed in cover, will make your enemy think twice about advancing up that flank! At least until they shift him!
Although i like the model itself, the pose does make it look like he has a hell of a belly underneath that amour!
The GunGrave
Monday, 12 December 2016
Infinity - Alpeh Sophotects with Netroids
Hi again! as promised i have a shed load of Infinity models to share with you. A lot of these have been done for a while, mainly in preparation for my first Infinity tournament that was back in September (more on that soon)
So first up in a long line of Infinity posts is my Sophotects. For me an 'auto include' model for any Vanilla Alpeh force due to her Doctor/Engineer abilities. She's also pretty fast!! I've also painted up the Netroids that came with the Sophotects set. I still have the 2 Yudbots to paint up.
So far she's been performing pretty well! I won't be dropping her anytime soon!.
The GunGrave
So first up in a long line of Infinity posts is my Sophotects. For me an 'auto include' model for any Vanilla Alpeh force due to her Doctor/Engineer abilities. She's also pretty fast!! I've also painted up the Netroids that came with the Sophotects set. I still have the 2 Yudbots to paint up.
So far she's been performing pretty well! I won't be dropping her anytime soon!.
The GunGrave
Thursday, 8 December 2016
Return from the Grave!
Wow, its been so long I've had to dust off my keyboard to begin writing this!
(Archive media - not GunGrave's actual computer...but pretty close!)
Just a quick one to say that i'm back online after a very busy few months, mainly with the new house, but also with lots of hobby goodness that i want to share with you all! A few of the highlights to come:
- A shed load of new Infinity models!
- My first Infinity Tournament.
- A Meg Maples painting masterclass.
I'm also pleased to say that my 30K interest is slowly returning, mainly due to the Custodians and Sister of Silence release. I may even start to rummage through the boxes and paint some of them up. So what else has been happening?
- I sold my Warlord Titan - ...and my Reaver...and my Legio Astorum Knights! Yes, i know this basically amounts to hobby treason, but a very nice guy from America made me an offer i couldn't refuse, and i was able to install a brand new boiler and central heating system in my house as a result! It was a shame i couldn't get him to the table, bit at the end of the day he was just sitting in a cabinet looking awesome. Now they're all in a new home being used loads and still looking awesome! I have vowed to the Omnissiah to one day rebuild the Legio!
- The Basement dream is dead - well at least for now. As the quotes kept coming in it was becoming increasingly obvious that i would need more money. A LOT more money!! With a new house and a wedding next year, the reality is that the hobby basement will have to wait. For now i was able to upgrade the existing hobby space, pics to follow.
- I got a new job - I've spent the last 6 weeks going through interview processes (3 jobs, 3 stages to each interview, each with a presentation!) ergh, i've so had it with interviews! Good news is i got a tonne of offers, and i picked one i liked! More money, company car, and a shed load of other perks mean the basement can get back on track a little bit quicker!
Those are the broad strokes for now! I've got a load of hobby content coming up very soon.
The GunGrave
Tuesday, 26 July 2016
The Birth of the New Forge!
Well, sort of....Its still an embryo!
The house move is complete and we're finally in, after a grueling 12 hours of moving. The whole house needs gutting really, and every surface needs stripping, plastering and repainting. Many months of hard work ahead i'm afraid!
Which of course includes my new Forge! When we were looking for houses we had to get one with a basement (i threatened Mrs GunGrave with taking over another double bedroom if we didn't!) We succeeded with our search and found one with a sizable basement.
Though i have to admit, the broken glass and the bolt lock on the OUTSIDE of the door left me a little disconcerted...what did the previous owners keep down there???
Your in trouble if your tall here!
Some random pillars which will be removed. All 4 structural engineers who've seen it were like WTF?? It will give me a lot more space once they're removed.
So this is the fate of my hobby for the moment, boxed up! As you can see, its a pretty big basement. 33 meters in fact!
I'm in the process of finalising the quote for the conversion with the conversion company. However, as the costs were mostly in the region of £15,000 for a full conversion (yikes!) I've decided to just get the basic's done and finish it off myself. The basement floor will be removed, drainage systems put in, re-floored with concrete, and the walls sealed with a damp proof membrane. just that lot is nearly £6,000!!!
So to reduce cost i'll be finishing it off myself. I'll be doing the stud walls and plaster board, the new ceiling and tiling of the floor which will give me something to get my teeth into. Not sure how long it will take, but i'm aiming for completion by the end of the year.
But i won't be waiting that long to get into my hobby again! I bought myself a cheap desk and set up shop in the corner of the dining room!
Not to bad once i got it all kitted out.
To get back into the swing of things (its been at least 2 months since i painted anything!) I've unpacked some Alpha Legion Tactical Marines and some Infinity to warm me up again. It'll return to me soon enough.
The house move is complete and we're finally in, after a grueling 12 hours of moving. The whole house needs gutting really, and every surface needs stripping, plastering and repainting. Many months of hard work ahead i'm afraid!
Which of course includes my new Forge! When we were looking for houses we had to get one with a basement (i threatened Mrs GunGrave with taking over another double bedroom if we didn't!) We succeeded with our search and found one with a sizable basement.
Though i have to admit, the broken glass and the bolt lock on the OUTSIDE of the door left me a little disconcerted...what did the previous owners keep down there???
Your in trouble if your tall here!
Some random pillars which will be removed. All 4 structural engineers who've seen it were like WTF?? It will give me a lot more space once they're removed.
So this is the fate of my hobby for the moment, boxed up! As you can see, its a pretty big basement. 33 meters in fact!
I'm in the process of finalising the quote for the conversion with the conversion company. However, as the costs were mostly in the region of £15,000 for a full conversion (yikes!) I've decided to just get the basic's done and finish it off myself. The basement floor will be removed, drainage systems put in, re-floored with concrete, and the walls sealed with a damp proof membrane. just that lot is nearly £6,000!!!
So to reduce cost i'll be finishing it off myself. I'll be doing the stud walls and plaster board, the new ceiling and tiling of the floor which will give me something to get my teeth into. Not sure how long it will take, but i'm aiming for completion by the end of the year.
But i won't be waiting that long to get into my hobby again! I bought myself a cheap desk and set up shop in the corner of the dining room!
Not to bad once i got it all kitted out.
To get back into the swing of things (its been at least 2 months since i painted anything!) I've unpacked some Alpha Legion Tactical Marines and some Infinity to warm me up again. It'll return to me soon enough.
So the bulk of the blog updates will probably be building related ones as the basement starts to be pulled to pieces! I'll try to get many models up in the meantime.
More soon.
The GunGrave
Tuesday, 7 June 2016
Interruption to Service...
Its been in the pipeline for a while now, but me and Mrs GunGrave have bought ourselves a house!! Its our first house, and thanks to being in senior positions in our respective workplaces, we've been able to bag ourselves a good one! Most importantly, it has a rather large basement, perfect for my new hobby cave!
However, before this hobby wet-dream can come true, we need to move. This means i'm having to shut down the Forge for the relocation and while my new Forge is being renovated.
The basement requires damp proofing, plastering, a new ceiling plus lighting and a new floor installed. It also needs new windows (pesky UK fire regulations...) Its no small task, but i have builders coming in 2 days after we get the keys for quotes! No messing around here, i want this new Forge operational ASAP!
In the meantime enjoy the hobby content that will remain on AGGTG, and i hope to be back online in a few months. I may be able to sneak on pics of the building work as it happens, so watch this space!
The GunGrave
Wednesday, 1 June 2016
Infinity - ALEPH Naga with Monofilament Mines
With the Infinity ITS tournament just around the corner, its time to keep pumping out those Aleph units.
One of the most important things to do in an Infinity game is to control the moments of the enemy soldiers as much as possible. A great way to do that is with mines! Monofilament ones tend to be particularly nasty, and the model is quite nice as well!
I was a bit more restrained with the shading of the black on this model, and tried to keep it to the very apex of the shaded areas. This would help me create better contrast.
Hopefully he'll be clogging up the enemy advance very soon!
The GunGrave
Thursday, 26 May 2016
Infinity - ALEPH Agema with Multi Sniper Rifle
Once the Deva was completed, i ran out of models for my Aleph, so it was time to go shopping!
One of the big problems i've had in games is loosing men to ARO's, especially from snipers! Time to get some revenge of my own! An Agema with Multi Sniper Rifle should fit the bill nicely (and its a lovely model to boot)
I really enjoyed painting this guy. Everything just felt like it came together really well, and i was super happy with the end result!
Lets just hope he performs in games!
The GunGrave
One of the big problems i've had in games is loosing men to ARO's, especially from snipers! Time to get some revenge of my own! An Agema with Multi Sniper Rifle should fit the bill nicely (and its a lovely model to boot)
I really enjoyed painting this guy. Everything just felt like it came together really well, and i was super happy with the end result!
Lets just hope he performs in games!
The GunGrave
Friday, 20 May 2016
Infinity: ALEPH Deva
The next step on the Infinity train is the Deva from the boxed set.
Deva's are the 'human' face of Aleph, assigned to or tactical liaison roles. In game terms, they are a cheap lieutenant, and can also take a synchronized Devabot for fun!
As they are the human face of the Aleph, i used darker, more realistic skin tones for her, rather than the pale synthetic look the other models have.
The detail on this model is comparatively basic to what I've done so far. It was still a fun model to paint though!
The GunGrave
Deva's are the 'human' face of Aleph, assigned to or tactical liaison roles. In game terms, they are a cheap lieutenant, and can also take a synchronized Devabot for fun!
As they are the human face of the Aleph, i used darker, more realistic skin tones for her, rather than the pale synthetic look the other models have.
The detail on this model is comparatively basic to what I've done so far. It was still a fun model to paint though!
The GunGrave
Tuesday, 17 May 2016
Coils of the Hydra: Tactical Squad Pt1
So a quick break from all the Infinity madness lately in the form of some Tactical Marines for my budding Alpha Legion.
I split the painting of the squad into 2 to make sure i could get them done in one sitting. The first 5 came out pretty good considering the time it took!
I'll probably use the next set of Tac' marines to break up the Infinity painting. I've rather enthusiastically signed up for an Infinity ITS tournament in June, so I've got a lot to get done before then!
The GunGrave
I split the painting of the squad into 2 to make sure i could get them done in one sitting. The first 5 came out pretty good considering the time it took!
I'll probably use the next set of Tac' marines to break up the Infinity painting. I've rather enthusiastically signed up for an Infinity ITS tournament in June, so I've got a lot to get done before then!
The GunGrave
Wednesday, 11 May 2016
Infinity: ALEPH Dakini Tacbots
While the proverbial Infinity iron was still hot, i've decided to crack on with my 3 Dakini Tacbots from the starter set.
These are the basic line troopers for the Aleph. Points wise they're reasonably cheap and come in a variety of flavors. These are the basic Combi Rifle flavor. I applied all the airbrush work as a batch, then did the detailing individually.
The reverse of the models are all done the same, so here's a sample of one, and also a closer shot of the front.
The completion of these three Dakini's gives me a small but playable force to practice with! I've only had a few small games just to get the feel of the game, but i'm loving it so far!
More soon.
The GunGrave
These are the basic line troopers for the Aleph. Points wise they're reasonably cheap and come in a variety of flavors. These are the basic Combi Rifle flavor. I applied all the airbrush work as a batch, then did the detailing individually.
The reverse of the models are all done the same, so here's a sample of one, and also a closer shot of the front.
The completion of these three Dakini's gives me a small but playable force to practice with! I've only had a few small games just to get the feel of the game, but i'm loving it so far!
More soon.
The GunGrave
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JSA - Yojimbo!!
He has a name you just have to shout every time you activate him! The mad motorcycle monster himself, Yojimbo! The JSA have very limited...

He has a name you just have to shout every time you activate him! The mad motorcycle monster himself, Yojimbo! The JSA have very limited...
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