Monday, 24 April 2017

Infinity - Aleph Machaon

The completion of Machaon brings my first incarnation of my Steel Phalanx force to a very close completion. I have to say, this has got to be in the top 3 models that i've enjoyed painting! I feel like i made a few 'painting leaps' when painting this model. I feel like i was able to push the contrast beyond my usual limit which has helped make the details and shades pop more. Let me know what you think!

The GunGrave


  1. Dedinitely one of my favourites bud

  2. I love the black/grey blend on his body armour. It looks excellent, and really in keeping with the Infinity aesthetic.

    Have you read Angel Giraldez's painting books? I've got them both, and they did make me try a few things that definitely improved my painting!

    1. Thanks Blaz!

      Oh yes, all the techniques I've used and continue to use are based on those books! I need to buy volume 2 though to see what that holds! It's a great book no doubt.

  3. looks excellent, and really in keeping with the Infinity aesthetic.

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JSA - Yojimbo!!

He has a name you just have to shout every time you activate him! The mad motorcycle monster himself, Yojimbo! The JSA have very limited...