Showing posts with label Heresy Era Death Guard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heresy Era Death Guard. Show all posts

Sunday, 10 June 2018

Forgeworld Heresy Era Death Guard Army for Sale!

Hi all! Before i resume my normal topic of posting, i wanted to let you know that i am parting with my large Forgeworld Heresy Era Death Guard Army.

This has become necessary to fund other projects, but Morty and his boys have served me well over the years, right up until i stopped playing 30K/40K. Now i hope they'll go to a good home where they can resume their reconquest of the Galaxy!

Please follow the below link to the eBay auction:

I have put all the photos of the army on here as well so you can take a look!

Normal posting will resume later this week! In the meantime, happy bidding!

The GunGrave

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Heresy Era Death Guard: Contemptor Mortis Complete

This guy has been complete for a while but i haven't got around to photographing him until now. This final Mortis sees the completion of my Death Guard Dreadnoughts, and some much needed anti-aircraft support!

Some weathering powder on the barrels of the Assault Cannons.

I used the same shading technique on this Mortis as the other 2 dreads. Sadly the green colours i thought i used were actually slightly different to the ones i used this time around. Never mind, it still looks good on this Dread.

Rust effects on the exhausts. I seem to have forgotten to do this on the other 2 Contemptors, so i quickly went back and added it to them!

Rubble base. The eagle eyed of you may notice a piece of the old Urban Basing Kits that GW did years ago.

When i built this Dread i wanted to make sure it had interchangeable weapons options, specifically Power Fists. I'm really interested to see how effective close combat Contemptors are!

Once i started doing that i decided to give one of the older Contemptors the magnetic treatment as well, so its arms came off and the magnets went on! I only had to buy one more fist for this guy, as he already had one to go with his Lascannon. I really like the look of them actually!

Here's the Contemptors all together! You can see the differences between the green on the shoulder plating in this time goes on I'm sure it ll bug me enough to go back and update the 2 older Dreads!

Now time to find a game and unleash the CC Dreads!

The GunGrave

Friday, 4 September 2015

Heresy Era Death Guard: Contemptor WIP 2

A quick progress update on the Contemptor Mortis. He's nearly there, just a few more highlights and washes to go.

In the last update i mentioned that i had a few Fists to build for the Contemptors (3 to be exact) This will enable me to run 2 CC Dread's, as one of the Dread's already has a Fist. I'm very curious to see how effective this may be!

More when its done!

The GunGrave

Monday, 31 August 2015

Legion Predator Turrets

This is a small adaptation that Ive had in mind for a while. I had a few spare turret options available for my Predator from various trades and spares. The idea was to make my Predator more versatile, as it often gets left at home for more powerful options. 

I managed to separate the predator cannon from the turret without and breakages and embedded a magnet into the turret. 

I then repeated the magnetisation of the turrets i had: an Executioner, Lascannon, and Predator Cannon.

This is my favourite turret option, as i think this will give my Pred' the right amount of punch to make it worth taking.

I'm hoping that these options will mean that the Predator doesn't stay at home quite so much and can come out to play a little more!

The GunGrave

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Heresy Era Death Guard: Contemptor WIP

This is the final of the  three Contemptors that i had planned for the Death guard. He was long over due, so in a continued effort to move away from the Mechanicum for a while i got him built and ready to go. 

He's currently in the Mortis configuration, but this time round i magnetised the arms to give me more flexibility with the Dread's. 

It was pretty straight forward to do. I have a few Contemptor Fists to assemble as weapon options for the Dread's - I'm keen to see how close combat Contemptors fare!

I also removed the arms of the first contemptor and magnetised the arms. I haven't repeated this process with the second Mortis Contemptor, as the arms were stuck fast and i think I'd just damage it to  much.

now that i have a pair of magnetised Contemptors, I'll be taking a look at some weapons configurations! I'll be getting those fists done soon as well.

The GunGrave

Friday, 7 August 2015

Legion Vehicle Sponson Caps

So this is a cool idea that I originally saw on Mordian 7th's blog a few weeks ago. It was a cap that covered the weapon sponsons on Legion vehicles when the upgrade wasn't in use. I liked the idea so much i decided to give it a go myself!

So i started off with a 28mm base (these are the old ones mind, not the new larger GW ones) I sanded the surface flat to give it a smooth texture.

The base on its own is a bit bare, so i needed to add some rivets. I saw a rivet technique a few years ago that i wanted to try. It uses layers of PVA glue to create the rivets. I applied the PVA with a toothpick.

Simply dot on the glue where you want to rivets to be.

It only takes about 10 minutes to dry in the sun. I found that i needed 3 passes with this technique to ensure i got enough height with the rivets. With such a short drying time it wasn't a problem.

I then added some Legion iconography.

Painted it in the colours of the Legion!

And there you have it. I did of course forget to mention that this cap is magnetised, but i guess that goes without saying. As you can see the cap does protrude a bit from the hull of the tank. This is due to the way i  built the tank. Only part of the assembly for the sponsons is  magnetised, meaning that some of the assembly is glued to the hull. As this is a retrofit i couldn't rectify this. I don't think it looks that bad though!

I will probably  make another set or two of these for the other Sicarian model  of tanks. Give  it a go yourselves if you  like the idea!

The GunGrave

JSA - Yojimbo!!

He has a name you just have to shout every time you activate him! The mad motorcycle monster himself, Yojimbo! The JSA have very limited...