Showing posts with label Necrons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Necrons. Show all posts

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Necron Night Scythe Complete

This is my first completed model since my year long abstinence from the hobby. Its by no means
my best work, but its not to bad considering....

The portal on the underside of the Scythe - typically green and glowy! There's actually a lot more OSL green on the hull, but it didn't show up very well in this pic. 

More glowy green engines.
I went with a blue OSL for the pilot and his control globe. Made a nice contrast from all the green!

Finally the base. As you can see, the end result is slightly different from the original plan, but worked out well once I sorted it!

The base in the end became a real headache. I tried to make a hole for part of the original flying base in the top of the obelisk, but it kind of ruined the areas around it and the paint wouldn't take. So I sawed the top off the whole thing!! Also the Scythe kept slipping down the length of the flying base, so I had to put some pins in it to keep it still.

Once the top was sawn off I plugged it with plasticard.

Then I added some milliput on the top to create a broken-top look (which again wasn't my best effort...)

Space was made for the the flying base which will be attached to the top of the obelisk.

And this was the finished result!

I have a unit of assembles Fire Warriors on my desk now, and have also started work on the Riptides scenic base. Next post: Tau!
The GunGrave

Friday, 12 April 2013

Its alive.....its A-L-I-V-E! The Hobby Mojo Lives Again!

Well, I never thought I'd see the day, I thought my hobby had died for good! I'm pleased to say that a pulse has been detected!

Life has been pretty busy anyways:  job continues to chew through my time, as does the Masters Degree, as does the girlfriend! The hobby has definitely been relegated in the last year.

So what changed? Not sure really, but the impending release of a new IA Volume and the Necron Tomb Complex from Forgeworld definitely got the juices flowing again. Then, just to make sure I got the mojo going again, GW release new Tau models and this bad boy:

I guess it was only a matter of time before GW released some super-mech for the Tau! This model is awesome, and I cant wait to put it together. I even bought the Tau codex for my iPad with a view to starting an army! As I rummaged through my storage boxes I even stumbled upon an unopened box of these:

I'd say that's a sign from the Ethereal's that I need to join the fight for the Greater good! But first - galactic domination and extermination of all life; that's right, its Necron time!

I wanted to get the Night Scythe finished before I started anything else. I undercoated it first, and while that was drying, set about creating the scenic base. You may remember the Necron Obelisk I made waaaaaaay back in 2011 - i'm making another one of these to go on the base of the Night Scythe.

 As I continuously use the shower gel this bottle belongs to, supply was not a problem. Though replicating the glyph would be....

I went old school and did a rubbing of the original. I then stuck it to some plasticard and i'll cut it out once its dried.

As for the Obelisk itself - I sawed off the bottom of it so I could glue it at an angle. It would be to tall straight up when the Night Scythe was attached. The Scythe will be tilted at an angle as if the craft was banking over the top of the Obelisk.

A few crystals on the base just jazzes it up a bit. I'll dig out some Scarabs to attach later on to.

It felt so good modelling again! So here's to the revival of the Dynasty, and the next Sphere of Expansion!

The GunGrave

Monday, 6 February 2012

Necron Overlord Complete

This is the final infantry unit for the Necrons - the Overlord!

The scheme is very straight forward, the gold being the only real colour that makes him look more important! I'm happy with this though, as the rest of the army's colour schemes are equally simple!

The Warscythe. I applied the same glowing effect to the blade as i did on the Crypteks using Dark Angles Green and Emerald Green, applied with an airbrush.

The same glowing colours were applied to the Orbs and most importantly, the Resurrection Orb.

Finally, the Overlords cape. Now, i had a real dilemma painting this! I got as far as shown below and felt that it didn't need anything more; it felt 'finished'. But its so plain, so basic, almost to much so! I decided to go with my gut and leave it alone!

Theres only 3 more units to do for this army: a Doomsday Ark, a Monolith, and the unreleased Night Scythe. But alas, a long weekend on the lash with some old school buddies in 2 weeks means these things will have to wait until March! Until then its Krieg all the way!

The GunGrave

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Death Korps of Krieg Superheavy Tanks; Necron Immortals

I had a freakin' mad day of painting yesterday! I was in the zone, and painted a Baneblade, a Macharius and finished off a unit of Necron immortals! I really wanted to get the super heavies done and ready for an Apoc' game this Sunday (more on that on Friday)

First up, its the Krieg Banblade!

This tanks got the new 141st Regiment colour scheme, weathered in the usual fashion!

MIG weathering powders were applied to the Baneblade Cannon, Demolisher Cannon, and exhaust pipes:

Managed to get some good rust spots on this one:

Vehicle markings. This is the 2nd vehicle of the 23rd Tank Company.

Now my favourite tanks in my collection, the Macharius! Easily one of my favourite Forgeworld models, of which i hope to have a full company of one day! That's 3 tanks not 10 before you get excited!!

Vehicle markings. This vehicles is the 3rd tank of the 11th company.

The tank commanders painted in the same way as the new Krieg colour scheme, as is the driver.

The Heavy Stubber.

Phew! Now these bad boys are ready for the game, which promises to be full of carnage!

Now finally, the last unit of Immortals for the Necrons. Only the Overlord to go and that's all of the infantry done!

The GunGrave

Monday, 23 January 2012

Necron Crypyek Conversions Painted

These guys caused me more problems than you might think! I struggled to settle on a scheme that i liked! What you see here is the 3rd colour combo i tried! First a blue scheme like the GW ones, then a gold scheme and then this. The Chaos Black plates are highlighted with Dark Angles Green (you can just about see it!), Dwarf Bronze for the ribs on the back, and Emerald Green for the eyes and staffs.

Although it ended up being really basic, I'm actually really happy with it! I like the large amount of black on them, which makes them look really sinister; just like a keeper of forbidden power should be!

I gave the eyes a blast of Emerald Green with the airbrush and highlighted that with 1:1 Emerald Green : Skull White. Theres a bit of Green Wash in the recesses as well.

The Staffs were a real pain to do. I wanted to wet blend Dark Angles Green up to Emerald Green, but its like my wet blending skills have deserted me!! I tried multiple times to make it happen, but for some reason it wouldn't work! I just blasted it Emerald Green (using an airbrush) over a Dark Angles Green base. Then a small highlight on the edges. Not as good as i wanted, but it'll have to do.

I also airbrushed Emerald Green onto the orbs on the back of the Crypteks to make them glowy as well.

Overall I'm pleased! A simple conversion with a simple paint job (in the end!)

Our clubs got an Apoc' game coming up at the end of the month now, so I'm making a terrain piece for the occasion! This will interfere with painting the last of the Immortals, but I'm hoping the terrain won't take to long to make! More on that later in the week!

The GunGrave

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Back to the Necrons

With the Rapiers out of the way, i thought it was high time i gave the 'Crons some love.

First up is some Cryptek conversions. I use the term 'conversions' very lightly here, as it basically involved a head swap and a bit of staff adjusting! Its an idea that's been floating around the net for a bit now: use plastic Lychguard models and stick Deathmark heads on them. Much better than running the 'CrapCast Guantlet' in my opinion! Plus you get loads of spares! Their are 2 Harbingers of Destruction with Eldrich Lances and 1 Harbinger of Transmo-whatsa-thingy with Tremorstave!

I made some minor adjustments to the Harbinger of Transmo Tremorstave guy's staff! The end is just a Warscythe with an extra Warscythe blade attached to the other side. It just had to be different from the other two. This  guys also going to be packing a 'Harp as well, but I'm still working on ideas for that. 

Some more Immortals with Gauss Blasters.....yawn.....

Out of those 10 Warriors i showed you a few weeks ago, i figured that i only needed 4 more for the army, so i was lazy and boxed the other 6!

Some more good results on the marble paint effects.

Finally, my Overlord. I decided to buy an Annihilation Barge and use the Overlord from that than bother with the ShiteCast version. At least this way a get a decent Overlord and a quality 'HS' choice as well! A simple 40m base was all that was needed for this guy with plenty of Necrony crystals as well!

Some painted pictures of these guys will be up  next week!

The GunGrave

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Apocalypse Terrain: Hab Block Pt1

Once i saw all that terrain come together in the Apocalypse game at the weekend, i went a bit terrain mad again! I'm in a similar mode to when i was building the Cathedral - build, build, build, with all painting on hold!

The day after the game i immediately set about planing the Hab Block! A 2.5ft long and 1.5ft high building with plenty of floor space for my Long Fangs to occupy!

Here's where i am at the moment. If you can make it out in all that mess!

The first level is stuck down to  the base, supported by wooden pillars in the corners for stability.

Here's a scale shot with an Elysian in the center! The 'wings' of the Hab will be 2 panels high, while the central tower block will be 5 panels high. The whole structure will run 6 panels deep.

My random scrawling to give you an idea of what im aiming for.

When i moved the base off the desk to let it all dry, i was a bit worried that the base was a bit bendy. There was some ominous creaking as i set it down, so i decided to reinforce the base just to be on the safe side!! 2 strips of sturdy hardwood were glued to the base to prevent it bending, which worked just fine.

These are the panels for the second level, ready to go! I have to wait for a layer of Milliput to dry on the first layer before i can continue. As the pieces are cast in resin and plaster, they don't all quite come out the same, which results in a few different heights! I used the Milliput to make up the difference on the shorter panels, and create a much more even surface for the second level.

So with the first level drying i decided not to waste any time and crack on with an idea i had for some scatter terrain for the Sewage Works. These are Macerators! Where chunky sewage goes to die - well, diced up into little pieces anyway! The tubs are from Morrisons Cotton Buds, and only cost a quid! The pipes you'll recognise from the Pump Station building, except i used a few of the originals here to give the pieces some weight.

Some Cog Mechanicum iconography and some Cities of Death bits to tart it up a bit! The assembly on the top is the motor for the macerator blades within!

So then i found myself waiting for more Milliput to dry! To pass the time, i took these pictures of the new storage Ive just installed in the garage for my fast growing collection of terrain!

These modular shelving units are from B&Q, and were quite pricey. The whole lot (3 strips, 6 shelving brackets, and 2 long shelves) cost me juts over £70. A lot i know, but the space it  creates for me is invaluable, especially as I'm growing out of my hobby room!

Some of the Aqueduct didn't survive the trip to Ponterwyd for the Apoc' game, and will require some touch up. I'm going to try using some clear wood varnish on my terrain pieces to protect them a little more.

Finally, here are some Necron Warriors that i got offa eBay! 30 Warriors for £30 - not bad! They're painted shite, but that's not a problem, because that's what makes them cheap!!

I'm slowly turning them into these - re-sprayed and re-based minis ready for assimilation! With the Hab Block in full swing though, painting might be a while away for these guys.

More on the Hab Block later in the week!

The GunGrave

JSA - Yojimbo!!

He has a name you just have to shout every time you activate him! The mad motorcycle monster himself, Yojimbo! The JSA have very limited...